Cinta tidak mengenal harta dan usia.... ini pepatah lama.
Tetapi bagi Li Kangyu (38) dan Yan Shuying percintaan mereka juga tidak mengenal jarak dan kecacatan fizikal. Li Kangyu yang berasal dari Hebei Tangshan mengidap penyakit rheumatoid arthritis sejak kecil dan sudah terbaring selama 31 tahun.
Beliau berkenalan dengan Yan Shuying yang berasal dari Kuala Lumpur memalui internet. Selepas berkenalan semalam dua tahun Yan Shuying nekad berkahwin dengan Li Kanyu walaupun pada awalnya menerima tentangan dari keluarga.
Yan Shuying berkata beliau jatuh hati dengan Li Kanyu kerana hatinya yang baik. Sungguhpun tidak pernah bersekolah, Li Kangyu seorang lelaki yang bijak dan Yan Shuying percaya suaminya ini dapat mendidiknya. Yan Shuying akan berhijrah ke China dan menjaga suami beliau.
August 7, in Hebei Tangshan, the day before the wedding, Yan Shuying receiving a long distance call from her sister in Malaysia, telling her sister the location of the hotel where their wedding would be held.
Their wedding picture placed on the computer desk in front of Li Kangyu. Because Li Kangyu isn’t able to stand up, the picture was Photoshoped.
Li Kangyu says he particularly likes the instant noodles Yan Shuying brings from Malaysia. Though he loves noodles, Li Kangyu rarely ate such in the past because he couldn’t take care of himself [eat the noodles on his own].
On August 5th, at Tangshan city Hebei Province, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying showed off their sweet marriage certificate.
When speaking of how their love came to be, warm tears ran down Li Kangyu’s cheeks. According to Yan Shuying: “Apart from the physical illness, Li Kangyu is better than many other people. Though he has never attended school, he knows a lot about history, geography, current affairs, etc. And he is very smart. He is very earnest and brave towards life, and the physical disability makes him even more positive. I’m very moved. He can be my guide, walking with me on the road of life.”
Tetapi bagi Li Kangyu (38) dan Yan Shuying percintaan mereka juga tidak mengenal jarak dan kecacatan fizikal. Li Kangyu yang berasal dari Hebei Tangshan mengidap penyakit rheumatoid arthritis sejak kecil dan sudah terbaring selama 31 tahun.
Beliau berkenalan dengan Yan Shuying yang berasal dari Kuala Lumpur memalui internet. Selepas berkenalan semalam dua tahun Yan Shuying nekad berkahwin dengan Li Kanyu walaupun pada awalnya menerima tentangan dari keluarga.
Yan Shuying berkata beliau jatuh hati dengan Li Kanyu kerana hatinya yang baik. Sungguhpun tidak pernah bersekolah, Li Kangyu seorang lelaki yang bijak dan Yan Shuying percaya suaminya ini dapat mendidiknya. Yan Shuying akan berhijrah ke China dan menjaga suami beliau.
August 7, in Hebei Tangshan, the day before the wedding, Yan Shuying receiving a long distance call from her sister in Malaysia, telling her sister the location of the hotel where their wedding would be held.
Their wedding picture placed on the computer desk in front of Li Kangyu. Because Li Kangyu isn’t able to stand up, the picture was Photoshoped.
Li Kangyu says he particularly likes the instant noodles Yan Shuying brings from Malaysia. Though he loves noodles, Li Kangyu rarely ate such in the past because he couldn’t take care of himself [eat the noodles on his own].
On August 5th, at Tangshan city Hebei Province, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying showed off their sweet marriage certificate.
Yan Shuying says she’s very happy being with Li Kangyu and hopes that she can look after him her whole life.
Yan Shuying holding her wedding gown in her hands and showing it to Li Kangyu, the two of them both very excited for the wedding.
In order to save on wedding expenses, Yan Shuying wears a wedding gown she bought on the internet for 165 yuan. Li Kangyu’s cousin helps her with the make-up.
Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying taking their wedding photo on the bed.
Right before the start of the wedding ceremony, the brother-in-law lifts Li Kangyu up, getting ready to go to the wedding site.
Before the start of the wedding ceremony, Li Kangyu lies on the couch on the wedding stage, waiting quietly for the ceremony to begin.
After the wedding ceremony, and “surrounded” by the crowd, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying leave the wedding site
“Surrounded” by the crowd, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying heading for their “bridal chamber” at the hotel.
p/s..mana-mana je la,janji bahagia....kan??
In order to save on wedding expenses, Yan Shuying wears a wedding gown she bought on the internet for 165 yuan. Li Kangyu’s cousin helps her with the make-up.
Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying taking their wedding photo on the bed.
Right before the start of the wedding ceremony, the brother-in-law lifts Li Kangyu up, getting ready to go to the wedding site.
Before the start of the wedding ceremony, Li Kangyu lies on the couch on the wedding stage, waiting quietly for the ceremony to begin.
After the wedding ceremony, and “surrounded” by the crowd, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying leave the wedding site
“Surrounded” by the crowd, Li Kangyu and Yan Shuying heading for their “bridal chamber” at the hotel.
p/s..mana-mana je la,janji bahagia....kan??
2 Ulasan
semoga diorang bhgia le hendaknya
BalasPadammudah2an..cuma bila baca kes ni teringat pd perkahwinan Erema dan Bayu suatu ketika dulu..bahagianya sementara je...kesabaran dan kekuatan mental kena betul2 kuat,takut belum apa2 dah kecundang
BalasPadamjerit kat sini